Promoted from Andalusia, it has invited all peoples to join the initiative. The foundational objective is to value peoples, nations without state and colonies, as stated in the first Institutional Act of the organization, in which the Executive Commission, consisted of:

· President: Pedro I. Altamirano
· Vicepresident 1º: Josep Andréu (Catalunya)
· Vicepresidente 2º: Antonio José Rodrigues Matos de Almeida (Azores)
· Secretary: Rafael Sanmartín (Andalusia)

All members of organizations, joined and will continue to join the representatives or secretaries of all member organizations. Promoted from Andalusia, the OSNC is currently composed of political and social organizations in Andalusia, Azores, the Canary Islands and Catalonia, but was born with the firm purpose and widespread offering to all peoples who consider themselves "Nations without state", and those that may be considered or maintain the status of colonies.

For the time being, contact and guest has been made or are in the process of inviting the stateless nations of the European Continent, such as Sardinia, Corsica, Scotland, The Basque Country, Galicia, Hawaii, Naples, Occitania, Valenciá Country, Puerto Rico, Sicily, Texas, Wallonia or Veneto, among others. The aim is to come to the liberation of these nations and from all who want to join, depending on the will of their inhabitants and always by legitimate, legal and peaceful methods. In this sense they have called on the peoples involved, to promote their awareness, through objective information, as a support for all the initiatives focused on the end exposed.

The aim is to come to the liberation of these nations and from all who want to join, depending on the will of their inhabitants and always by legitimate, legal and peaceful methods. In this sense they have called on the peoples involved, to promote their awareness, through objective information, as a support for all the initiatives focused on the end exposed.

Both the cited communities and any other from anywhere in the world have been invited to participate in the process actively. To do this, simply contact the Executive Committee in the email
