The situation in the Sahel area is perhaps one ofthe cruellest conflicts with the civilian population, at the time of the least followed by the media, and therefore unknown to the majority. The true genocide that is taking place exceeds the capacity for human suffering.

Sometimes it seems that the problems of the poorest peoples are the least important to society. This, in addition to being unfair, goes against the most basic human rights. The Sahel matters as the most, a human life is always the same as any human life, that is why in the OSNC, we take the conflict in this complicated area as a true priority for international action.

It is very urgent to put the focus of the peace effort on the suffering of people. For this reason, we request an immediate ceasefire by all parties, and especially the harassment of the civilian population, the opening of an urgent safe corridor for basic humanitarian aid, and the launch of a dialogue table for peace, under the auspices of independent and neutral International Peace Foundations.
